Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Year of the Tiger
it's chinese new year today too! HUAT AH! hahaha.
Friday, January 1, 2010
2009 was a great year, now let's look forward to 2010 which is definitely gonna be a super super year! Yea!
New year, new resolutions.
1. ORD peacefully.
2. Deciding on what to do after ORD.
3. Enjoy life more.
4. Cut down on fast food.
5. Keep fit.
6. Spend more time with my family and friends.
7. Stay happy.
8. Maybe a girlfriend? hehe.
That's all. Hopefully i can achieve them all!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Holiday Season
Friday, October 23, 2009
I Am Back!
1 thing I noticed about Taiwan is their rubbish bins. There are simply too few rubbish bins! I have to carry along the wrappers, empty bottle and alot of other rubbish with me for quite awhile until i can find a rubbish bin and dispose them. Unlike Singapore, there's rubbish bins everywhere! LOL.
Okay, the food there is f***ing nice! No joke, really damn nice! Mee Sua, Chicken Cutlet, Bubble Tea, Oyster Omelette and many many more. Mmm... SEDAP! haha. You must be thinking how can Bubble Tea taste so differently good compared to Singapore? You must go there and try, to taste the difference. You will know what i mean. Especially the Pudding Bubble Tea. haha.
Singaporean girls should seriously learn how Taiwanese girls dress. Period.
Taiwan is definitely the place that i will go again.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
1 More Year
365 days to go!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
no more birthday celebration.
no more fullerton hotel dim sum buffet.
which is booked 3 months in advance.
have to book-in tomorrow.
Friday, June 26, 2009
King of Pop
Michael Joseph Jackson
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

Racial harmony and love is everything to this man. He believed that he can change the world, open the doors between the blacks and the whites, and he did it, with his music. He made Barrack Obama possible.
He may be gone for now, but his music will definitely live forever. Rest in peace, legend~
Friday, May 22, 2009
Signal Specialist
I am now officially a 3rd sergeant! Means no more trainee life! Yea! =D
I would say my stay in Signals is where i enjoyed the most during my national service life! I really gonna miss my IC2 mates. You guys rock! "Up" lah! haha.
Looking forward to tomorrow's 05/08 IC2 Party at Phuture! Booze & Babes! Woohoo!
Posted to 1st Military Intelligence Battalion.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Angels & Demons
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Met up with Nigel, Mingsheng and Michelle to catch X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It's been so long since we last met. Nigel as usual, cannot finish talking about cars! haha. Mingsheng and Michelle had just finished their university examinations. Mingsheng still as "ham" hahaha. And Michelle had shorter hair now. She looks nicer that way! =D
Went to some prata place nearby Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts after the movie for supper. A great catching-up session we had.
Thanks Mingsheng for sending me home! =D
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Burning Tyres

I'm a little disappointed as this time it's not as fast & furious as before. All the previous movies were much better than this. However, the cars are still damn cool and the chases, races will keep you at the edge of your seats. It's still a great movie though. Watch it! =D
I want a Nissan Skyline GT-R R34! =X
My rating : 4
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Finally the soft, spicy, juicy, original chicken chop is back! Slurps! haha. For the past few months, McSpicy™ had been yucky! The meat is not as juicy and the fats inside were kinda frozen. Yuck!
Nutritional Information (taken from
Energy (kcal) : 580
Cholestrol (mg) : 75
Total Fat (g) : 26
Sodium (mg) : 1310
Saturated Fat (g) : 8
Dietry Fibre (g) : 3
Please bring back the garlic chilli sauce! =(
Exactly one and a half year till ORD! Woohoo!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines' Day
I was really really tired and i practially slept the whole day! Why was i so tired?
Today marks the end of my Basic Section Leader Course. Right before the Passing Out Parade, we had to endure a gruelling 28 kilometres route march. Right after the march, we had to endure for another 30 minutes of standing still waiting for the parade to end. haha. It is very physical and mentally tiring! =(
Imagine i can fall asleep when cleaning my rifle after the parade! hahaha. Luckily i did not have any date, *hint hint if not i cannot tahan at all! =D
Posted to Stagmont Camp, Signal Specialist. Slack, slack and more slack! Woohoo!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Section Leader Course
Hope the journey to become a sergeant will be fun and enjoyable! I'm kinda looking forward to it. haha.
p.s. Please let me kena a slack company! =X
Block leave ending soon! Argh! No time to waste!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
After all the shit that we've gone through, I believe all of us became a stronger, better person. I'm really gonna miss my platoon mates (not all. haha!), we are really the bunch of crazy people that suffer and enjoy every single thing together! =P
For now, lets enjoy our block leave! 10 days of waking up late! Woohoo!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Mosquito Madness!
Highest temperature recorded was 39.9 degrees celcius.
Was given 3 days mc from 271108 to 291108.
1 quarter of the platoon is also down with fever.
Suspecting the cause of fever could be the mosquitoes.
Missed the 16 kilometres route march.
Have to march after Passing Out Parade. =(
Still feeling dizzy at the moment.
Hope I can get well real soon!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Coughing like crazy.
Stayed at home during the weekend.
Weekend burnt.
Booking in soon. =(
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Max Payne
Sunday, October 12, 2008
3rd Bookout
Watched Burn After Reading with my polymates last night. Recommended by Dennis. haha. =D

This movie received quite a high rating in, a movie critic which is famous for their destructive criticism. So I believe this movie should be really darn good.
However after the movie, all in my mind was "Huh? What the f***?!" The movie is just too boring in the start, gets very complicated in the middle and ended quite lame. Brad Pitt and George Clooney were in this movie. It's such a waste to use such great actors on a stupid movie.
My rating: 2/5.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Back From Tekong Island
Have so much to share about but we are not allowed to blog stuff about army. =(
Life there is so different from what I used to live. We experienced freedom taken away from us. This 2 weeks is really tiring. Everyday doing physical training is crazy! No time for our muscles to recover! However, I can see my muscles growing! Yea! I wan my six-packs! haha. In the army, I also get to see all kinds of people. From those super nerdy ones to the super garang ones! haha.
Hope I will enjoy the rest of my BMT life! Cheers!
11 more weeks to Passing Out Parade! =D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Goodbye Slacker, Hello Soldier!
I will be spending my confinement days at Pulau Tekong Camp, BALD!, starting from tomorrow. There's so many things i will miss; my hair! having fun! my family! my friends! almost everything! =(
Thinking about my hair, I'll not be using my hairspray, hair wax, hair dryer and hair straightener anymore for 2 long years! I would usually spend 30 minutes everyday in front of the mirror setting my hair. Let's calculate and see how much time I can save within 2 years! haha. =D
0.5 hours X 2(365) = 365 hours.
365 hours! Woah! That's a hell lot of time! Imagine how much time and effort I have spent on my hair ever since my polytechnic days till this very day! I really gonna miss my hair!
Even now, I don't really feel a thing. I'm abit worried for myself. Am I emotionless? Am I a robot?! Everyone should be like either very anxious, excited or what. But I am still in the mood to blog. haha.
Hope everything will be fine during the confinement days and hope that I'll have whacky and fun campmates! God bless! Peace! =)
I'll be back in 2 weeks and I'll gonna look hideous without hair! Argh! =(
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wild Experience
It's ladies' night tonight! Yea! We went to the nearby 7-eleven to get some booze before going in Ministry of Sound. It was crowded as usual! Everyone was so dressed up except for us, the three guys. We were having our uniforms on. haha. Why there is no mans' night for clubs? Free entrance and free drinks for guys! how cool is that?! haha.
Gosh, Hazleen and Nurul killed it on the dance floor man! Nice! =D
I was being caressed by her. My mind went blank and didn't know how to respond! I just put my hands on her hips and... AH! i couldn't describe this anymore!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Midnight Karaoke!
Although it's my off day today, i still went down to help them out. See! I so helpful! haha. It was a fun experience working as a team to clear every-damn-thing in the shop! haha. Everyone in Suntec will be given a day off on Monday! Yea!
Went to Newton Circus for makan after closing with the famous Kakak Jarisa, Regina, Melissa, Dennis and another area manager, shit! i forgotten "her/his" name. haha. =X
Jarisa is damn funny la, putting work aside, she is very nice and hilarious. It's the first time i'm seeing her other side. She teased Melissa's footwear for the whole day! Super funny! LOL. However she is soon leaving after a quarter century in Giordano. I am sure everyone will miss her. =(
It's time for Karaoke! Woohoo! haha. Finally i get to hear Melissa sing after so much self-bragging about how good her singing is. haha. But it's true la! She sings damn well! Superstar man~ haha. Regina didn't sing a single song la! So curious to hear her sing. I was too shy to sing, only managed to sing a few songs, and all of them sucked. Need more practice! =D As usual, the multi-talented Dennis singed like he is having a concert! haha. Melissa! If you become a superstar one day, i will surely support you! haha.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Mummy
I would say it's the worst of the trilogy. I still liked the traditional egyptian mummies more compared to chinese mummies! haha. =D
I shall give it a 3/5.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I was being approached on the train by this guy, Bluno L from Shine Models, asking me to go for a try-out. I was like WHAT THE F***?! Are you trying to suan me or what? I everyday look at myself in front the mirror. I know very well how i look la!
Huh?! Jaramy? Model? Are you kidding?! haha.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is definitely one movie i won't mind watching again. (although i always thought that watching the same movie twice in the cinemas is dumb!) haha. =D
I think what makes this movie shine is The Joker (Heath Ledger). At first i thought that that due to his death, the reviews on his acting would be biased. I was very wrong. I didn't expect that his performance would be so damn good. He had immersed himself into and became the Joker. The layers of his emotion were so deep that could be seen in his eyes, face and body with every line he spoke. He is the Joker! Unfortunately, he is gone. It's a huge loss for the entertainment industry.
4.5/5. The reason why this movie does not get the full score is because of 2 things. Batman's super coarse voice and Batman's girlfriend isn't hot at all! haha. =X
I received my birthday bash today! Ouch!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
So Careless of Me
Waited in the shop for my parents to have dinner. There's a new Ministry of Food outlet at Suntec City, so we decided to try it out.
(the colour of the straw doesn't match the drink)
The Ministry of Food outlet at Marina Square is much better in terms of food quality and service. If anyone wants to go eat, let me know. I have the membership card. 10% discount! haha.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another thing special about this movie is that it doesn't emphasize much about the origins of the superhero.
Hancock looks much cooler flying around with his daily clothes than his superhero suit. haha. Anyway, Will Smith's acting is just too great! His charisma never fails to charm everyone. =)
Rating: 3.5/5
Thanks Mingsheng for the lunch at Mayim! =D
Friday, July 4, 2008
Age: 20
Maybe it's time to get serious, sit down, think hard and plan my future. Time really flies, still reminiscing the wonderful days i had during my childhood, it seems like yesterday.
Done quite a bit of thinking lately. What have i achieved in this 20 years of my life? What have i not achieved in this 20 years of my life? Wish i could know what am i really capable of. I am so eager to know what am i doing 20 years from now! haha. =D
But i still have National Service to serve lah! Argh! I left 2 more months to slack~ I hate NS! =(
Last night at Ministry of Sound was alright alright only. Not high enough. haha. Maybe because we didn't drink much. But we did something cheapo. We went to the nearby 7 Eleven to get beer, drank our beer and re-enter the club. Save money ya?! haha. Spent most of the time on the dance floor until our ears gonna burst. We could hardly hear anything once we step out of the place. =P
Glad that my friends came, but it was abit disappointing that the atmosphere wasn't high enough. Sorry guys~ Quite a few amusing events happened (the pants-banging couple & the transsexual dilemma) but it wasn't enough to make that night a memory-etching moment. =(
Special thanks to those that made the extra effort to wish me happy birthday. You guys made my day! Muacks! =D
Thanks Melissa for the Jack Daniel's Cola!
Thanks Joan for the ahem! haha!
Thanks Kitying for the nougatSSS! haha! =X
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Pay Day
This day also marks my 1st month with Giordano. For the first few weeks, working in Giordano has been quite challenging for me. I have to throw away the "old" me (introvert) and be very active during work. It's quite tough for me. Imagine I have been like that for 20 years? Then suddenly want me to change so quickly, super tough la! But anyway, as time goes by, i'm getting more used to it already. This might be the golden opportunity to FINALLY, REALLY throw away the "old" me. haha. =P
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Crazy Man
I have to commit 46 hours of work this week! Argh! Tired~
Saturday, June 21, 2008
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
Adam Sandler is my favourite comedian, his facial expression never fails to make me laugh! haha. His hairstyle in this movie is really cool and retro! He looked better with hair. haha. Oh! and not forgetting Emmanuelle Chriqui, she's damn hot lar! =P

4/5 for me. Why not 5/5?! Because near towards the end of the movie, it died down abit, getting a little less funny. But it's still a darn hilarious movie! Catch it!
A Snout Fairytale
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sleeping Beauty
It's been so long since I played basketball with my friends. Felt so refreshed after the basketball session with them because it's been quite some time since i last perspire! haha. (I have stopped jogging for about 2 weeks because of work) Sweating always makes me feel that I have slimmed down! haha. =D
Monday, June 16, 2008
IT Show
Damn! I missed the Playstation 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle at the IT Show! Argh! I can't wait to get my hands on Metal Gear Solid 4! It's like the game of the century! The Metal Gear Solid series is by far the best game for its storyline. Nothing beats it.
Monday, June 9, 2008
It's A Small World
Sorry Beekhim, think i said something that wasn't supposed to say to your father. Hope i didn't bring you any trouble. =(
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day Four
Day off tomorrow! Yea! =)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Day Three
"Celebrated" Rachel's last day together with the girls outside Suntec City, sitting on the ground eating Canadian pizza! haha.
Argh! Tired~
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Technical Design Clay
Gotten this from Watsons at $8.50. This clay is totally wicked! I can now set whatever hairstyle i want with this! It holds my hair well, makes my hair look smoother and make the ends of my hair look better! One bad thing is that it's quite difficult to wash off. =(
That's how my blogspot url came about! =P
Going to Giordano's main office at Paya Lebar for a 2nd interview tomorrow.