Sunday, March 30, 2008


My skin is still burning! Argh!

What are the 3 Devils in life?

1. Death
2. Disability
3. Dieseases

These 3 Ds can stop you from achieving your dreams.

And what are the man's dreams?

1. To have a family of his own
2. To drive a car of his own
3. To have a house for his family
4. A successful career

The above 3 devils will pull you down. If 1 gets to you, be prepared for the worst.

So, to be in the best situation of the worst situation, get insured. This will help your family alot financially because if you are the sole-bread winner of the family and you are being brought down by those devils, the insurance company will remove your financial worries, reducing your family's burden.

I learnt this from Junlong's brother, Junyi (from Great Eastern)

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