Sunday, May 25, 2008


Just some of my thoughts about the 让爱川流不息 charity show on 25 May 2008.

With approximately 10 million dollars raised for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake, why in the world that these donations are subject to 7% GST tax?! This is ridiculus!

7% = $700,000???

I'm not trying to offend the government or whoever, this is just my point of view. Isn't this event supposed to be meaningful by mobilizing the celebrities to persuade Singaporeans to lend a helping hand by donating money to Sichuan? In the end, the government is taxing those donations? Does this make any sense?


Hey! We are donating to Sichuan, not to the government. Is the government experiencing any earthquakes? No right?! I would rather take this 7% and donate them to Sichuan instead. I get taxed for doing a good deed?! What is this?! Absurd!

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